How to make big in Little Alchemy 2?

On this page you can see How to make big in Little Alchemy 2? with Guide, Hints, Cheats, Combinations and Walkthrough.

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In addition on this page you can Look How to make big in Little Alchemy 2? Hints, Cheats and Guide

All Little Alchemy 2 Combinations, Guide, Hints, Cheats and Walkthrough

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How to make big in Little Alchemy 2?

What can you make with big in Little Alchemy 2?

Combine with Create
aquarium swimming pool
bird ostrich
birdcage aviary
boulder hill
car bus
cat lion
Deity Giant
duckling duck
earth mountain
explosion atomic bomb
Faerie Elf
fairy tale legend
Goblin Orc
grass plant
Griffin Ziz
hill mountain
house skyscraper
kite paraglider
lake sea
land continent
lizard dinosaur
Monster Giant
mouse rat
Ouroboros Jörmungandr
pebble rock
phoenix Ziz
planet jupiter
plant tree
pond lake
puddle pond
rain flood
rivulet stream
rock boulder
safe vault
saturn jupiter
sea ocean
shovel excavator
snow blizzard
soil land
stone boulder
story legend
stream river
tent circus
village city
watch clock
wind tornado

Walkthrough for big in Little Alchemy 2

  1. earth + fire = lava
  2. water + water = puddle
  3. earth + earth = land
  4. fire + fire = energy
  5. puddle + water = pond
  6. earth + land = continent
  7. air + lava = stone
  8. fire + stone = metal
  9. continent + continent = planet
  10. pond + water = lake
  11. stone + stone = wall
  12. lake + water = sea
  13. wall + wall = house
  14. earth + metal = plow
  15. earth + plow = field
  16. earth + sea = primordial soup
  17. energy + primordial soup = life
  18. fire + life = phoenix
  19. phoenix + phoenix = egg
  20. field + house = barn
  21. barn + egg = chicken
  22. chicken + egg = philosophy
  23. philosophy + planet = big

Little Alchemy 2 Cheats

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