Little Alchemy 2 Cheats List
Little Alchemy 2 Cheats All 830 Elements Combinations Walkthrough Hints Guide List
Little Alchemy 2 Cheats is the best complete source of Step by Step Little Alchemy 2 cheats guide with Hints for All 830 Elements and walkthrough for Little Alchemy 2.
Little Alchemy 2 is a New Version of Little Alchemy 1 game where you Combine Elements to Create New Elements. You can start with the basic elements Fire , Water , Air , and Earth and create more complex items up to Life , Time , and Internet . In Little Alchemy 2 Complete cheat sheet you choose an item from an alphabetically sorted List with All Little Alchemy 2 Elements to find out more about it. For each Element we give you All Little Alchemy 2 Combinations, Hints & Guide for its creation and what other elements can be mixed with it. In Little Alchemy 2 walkthroughs we provide a step-by-step guide with the shortest way from the start to each element. Our Little Alchemy 2 Cheats List 830 Elements contains 110 items of the ‘Myths and Monsters’ content pack of the iOS and Android versions.
Check out our Little Alchemy 2 FAQs below!
List of all 830 elements from A to Z
A – Little Alchemy 2 Combinations
- Achilles
- acid rain
- Aegis
- Aeolus
- air
- airplane
- alarm clock
- alchemist
- alcohol
- algae
- alien
- allergy
- alligator
- alpaca
- ambulance
- angel
- angler
- animal
- Ankh
- ant
- ant farm
- antarctica
- anthill
- Apple of Discord
- apron
- aquarium
- archeologist
- archipelago
- arctic
- armadillo
- armor
- arrow
- ash
- astronaut
- astronomer
- atmosphere
- atomic bomb
- aurora
- avalanche
- aviary
- axe
B – Little Alchemy 2 Combinations
- Baast
- Baba Yaga
- Babe the Blue Ox
- bacon
- bacteria
- baker
- bakery
- banana
- banana bread
- bandage
- bank
- Banshee
- barn
- barrel
- bat
- batter
- battery
- bayonet
- bbq
- beach
- beaver
- bee
- beehive
- beekeeper
- beer
- bell
- bicycle
- big
- binoculars
- bird
- birdcage
- birdhouse
- black hole
- blade
- blender
- blizzard
- blood
- blood bag
- boat
- boiler
- bone
- bonsai tree
- book
- Book of the Dead
- bottle
- boulder
- bow
- box
- bread
- brick
- bridge
- broom
- bucket
- bullet
- bulletproof vest
- Bunyip
- bus
- butcher
- butter
- butterfly
- butterfly net
C – Little Alchemy 2 Combinations
- cable car
- cactus
- cage
- cake
- Calydonian Boar
- Camazotz
- camel
- campfire
- candle
- candy cane
- cannon
- canvas
- car
- caramel
- carbon dioxide
- carrot
- cart
- cashmere
- castle
- cat
- catnip
- cauldron
- cave
- caviar
- centaur
- cereal
- chain
- chainsaw
- chameleon
- Chang’e
- Changeling
- charcoal
- cheese
- cheeseburger
- chicken
- chicken coop
- chicken soup
- chicken wing
- chill
- Chimera
- chimney
- Chinese Dragon
- chocolate
- chocolate milk
- christmas stocking
- christmas tree
- cigarette
- circus
- city
- clay
- clock
- closet
- cloud
- coal
- Cockatrice
- coconut
- coconut milk
- coffin
- cold
- combustion engine
- computer
- computer mouse
- confetti
- constellation
- container
- continent
- cook
- cookbook
- cookie
- cookie cutter
- cookie dough
- coral
- corpse
- Cosmic Egg
- cotton
- cotton candy
- cow
- crayon
- crow
- crystal ball
- Cthulhu
- cuckoo
- cup
- Cupid
- current
- Curse
- cutting board
- cyborg
- cyclist
- Cyclops
D – Little Alchemy 2 Combinations
- dam
- darkness
- dawn
- day
- death
- Deity
- Demon
- desert
- dew
- diamond
- dinosaur
- Dionysus
- diver
- Djinn
- doctor
- dog
- doge
- doghouse
- domestication
- Domovoi
- don quixote
- donut
- double rainbow!
- dough
- dragon
- drone
- drum
- drunk
- dry ice
- Dryad
- duck
- duckling
- dune
- Durendal
- dust
- dynamite
E – Little Alchemy 2 Combinations
- eagle
- earth
- earthquake
- eclipse
- egg
- egg timer
- electric car
- electric eel
- electrician
- electricity
- Elf
- Elixir of Life
- energy
- engineer
- Epona
- eruption
- evil
- excalibur
- excavator
- explosion
F – Little Alchemy 2 Combinations
- fabric
- factory
- Faerie
- fairy tale
- family
- family tree
- farm
- farmer
- Father Time
- faun
- fence
- Fenrir
- field
- fire
- fire extinguisher
- firefighter
- fireplace
- firestation
- firetruck
- firewall
- fireworks
- fish
- fishing rod
- flamethrower
- flashlight
- flood
- flour
- flower
- flute
- flying fish
- flying squirrel
- fog
- force knight
- forest
- fork
- fortune cookie
- fossil
- fountain
- Fountain of Youth
- fox
- frankenstein’s monster
- french fries
- fridge
- frog
- frozen yogurt
- fruit
- fruit tree
G – Little Alchemy 2 Combinations
- galaxy
- galaxy cluster
- garage
- garden
- gardener
- Gargoyle
- Garuda
- gas
- Gashadokuro
- geyser
- ghost
- Giant
- gift
- gingerbread house
- gingerbread man
- glacier
- glass
- glasses
- gnome
- goat
- Goblin
- gold
- golem
- good
- granite
- grass
- grave
- gravestone
- graveyard
- Green Man
- greenhouse
- Gremlin
- grenade
- Griffin
- grilled cheese
- grim reaper
- gun
- gunpowder
- gust
H – Little Alchemy 2 Combinations
- hacker
- hail
- ham
- hamburger
- hammer
- hamster
- hangar
- harp
- hay
- hay bale
- heat
- heaven
- hedge
- hedgehog
- helicopter
- hell
- Hellhound
- hero
- hill
- hippo
- Holy Grail
- Holy Water
- honey
- horizon
- horse
- horseshoe
- hospital
- hot chocolate
- hourglass
- house
- human
- hummingbird
- hurricane
- husky
- Hydra
I – Little Alchemy 2 Combinations
- ice
- ice cream
- ice cream truck
- ice sculpture
- iceberg
- iced tea
- idea
- igloo
- immortality
- internet
- island
- ivy
J – Little Alchemy 2 Combinations
K – Little Alchemy 2 Combinations
L – Little Alchemy 2 Combinations
- lake
- lamp
- land
- laptop
- lasso
- lava
- lava lamp
- lawn
- lawn mower
- leaf
- leather
- legend
- lens
- letter
- librarian
- library
- life
- light
- light bulb
- light sword
- lighthouse
- lightning
- lion
- liquid
- little alchemy
- livestock
- lizard
- log cabin
- love
- lumberjack
M – Little Alchemy 2 Combinations
- Maahes
- mac and cheese
- machine
- magic
- Magic Lamp
- magma
- mail truck
- mailbox
- mailman
- manatee
- map
- maple syrup
- Mara
- mars
- marshmallows
- Maui
- Maui’s Fishhook
- mayonnaise
- meat
- medusa
- mercury
- mermaid
- metal
- meteor
- meteoroid
- microscope
- milk
- milk shake
- Mimic
- mineral
- minotaur
- mirror
- mist
- Mjölnir
- mold
- monarch
- money
- monkey
- Monster
- moon
- moon rover
- moss
- moth
- Mothman
- motion
- motorcycle
- Mount Olympus
- mountain
- mountain goat
- mountain range
- mouse
- mousetrap
- mud
- mummy
- music
- musician
N – Little Alchemy 2 Combinations
O – Little Alchemy 2 Combinations
- oasis
- obsidian
- ocean
- oil
- omelette
- Oni
- Ooze
- optical fiber
- Orc
- orchard
- ore
- organic matter
- origami
- ostrich
- Ouroboros
- owl
- oxygen
- ozone
P – Little Alchemy 2 Combinations
- paint
- painter
- painting
- Paladin
- paleontologist
- palm
- pan flute
- Pandora’s Box
- paper
- paper airplane
- paper cup
- parachute
- paraglider
- park
- parrot
- pasta
- Paul Bunyan
- Peach of Immortality
- peacock
- peanut butter
- peat
- pebble
- pegasus
- pencil
- pencil sharpener
- penguin
- penicillin
- perfume
- petroleum
- Philosopher’s Stone
- philosophy
- phoenix
- picnic
- pie
- pig
- pigeon
- piggy bank
- pilot
- pinocchio
- pipe
- piranha
- pirate
- pirate ship
- pitchfork
- pizza
- planet
- plankton
- plant
- plasma
- platypus
- plow
- polar bear
- pollen
- pond
- popsicle
- Poseidon
- post office
- potato
- potter
- pottery
- pressure
- primordial soup
- printer
- prism
- Prometheus
- pterodactyl
- puddle
- pumpkin
- pyramid
Q – Little Alchemy 2 Combinations
R – Little Alchemy 2 Combinations
- Ra
- rabbit
- rain
- rainbow
- Rainbow Serpent
- rainforest
- rat
- recipe
- reed
- reindeer
- restaurant
- ring
- river
- rivulet
- robot
- robot vacuum
- Roc
- rock
- rocket
- roe
- roller coaster
- rope
- rose
- ruins
- ruler
- rust
- rv
S – Little Alchemy 2 Combinations
- sack
- saddle
- safe
- safety glasses
- sailboat
- sailor
- salamander
- salt
- samurai
- sand
- sand castle
- Sandman
- sandpaper
- sandstone
- sandstorm
- sandwich
- santa
- sap
- saturn
- scalpel
- scarecrow
- science
- scissors
- scorpion
- scuba tank
- scythe
- sea
- seagull
- seahorse
- seal
- seaplane
- seasickness
- seaweed
- seed
- Selkie
- sewing machine
- shark
- sheep
- sheet music
- shipwreck
- shovel
- shuriken
- sickness
- silo
- skateboard
- skeleton
- ski goggles
- skier
- sky
- skyscraper
- sleigh
- sloth
- small
- smartphone
- smog
- smoke
- smoke signal
- smoothie
- snake
- snow
- snow globe
- snowball
- snowboard
- snowboarder
- snowman
- snowmobile
- soap
- soda
- soil
- solar cell
- solar system
- solid
- sound
- space
- space station
- spaceship
- spaghetti
- sphinx
- spider
- spoon
- spotlight
- sprinkles
- squirrel
- star
- starfish
- statue
- steak
- steam
- steam engine
- steamboat
- steel
- steel wool
- stethoscope
- stone
- storm
- story
- stream
- string phone
- stun gun
- sugar
- sun
- Sun Wukong
- sundial
- sunflower
- sunglasses
- supernova
- surfer
- sushi
- swamp
- sweater
- swim goggles
- swimmer
- swimming pool
- sword
- swordfish
- syringe
T – Little Alchemy 2 Combinations
- tablet
- tailor
- tank
- Tawaret
- tea
- telescope
- Tengu
- tent
- the one ring
- thermometer
- Thor
- thread
- tide
- time
- titanic
- toast
- tobacco
- tool
- toolbox
- tornado
- toucan
- tractor
- train
- trainyard
- treasure
- treasure map
- tree
- treehouse
- trojan horse
- troll
- tsunami
- tunnel
- turtle
- twilight
- tyrannosaurus rex
U – Little Alchemy 2 Combinations
V – Little Alchemy 2 Combinations
- vacuum cleaner
- Valhalla
- Valkyrie
- vampire
- vase
- vault
- vegetable
- venus
- village
- vine
- vinegar
- Vodyanoy
- volcano
- Vulcan
- vulture
W – Little Alchemy 2 Combinations
- wagon
- wall
- wand
- warmth
- warrior
- watch
- water
- water gun
- water lily
- water pipe
- waterfall
- wave
- wax
- web
- werewolf
- wheat
- wheel
- wild boar
- Will-o’-the-Wisp
- wind
- wind turbine
- windmill
- windsurfer
- wine
- wire
- witch
- wizard
- wolf
- Wolpertinger
- wood
- woodpecker
- wool
- World Turtle
- wrapping paper
- writer
Y – Little Alchemy 2 Combinations
Z – Little Alchemy 2 Combinations
Cheat Little Alchemy YouTube Channel
Little Alchemy 2 FAQs
- What is Little Alchemy 2?
- How many elements are in Little Alchemy 2?
- How do I find all items in Little Alchemy 2?
- What is the hardest element to find in Little Alchemy 2?
- What are the most valuable items in Little Alchemy 2?
- How many final items are in Little Alchemy 2?
- What are the basic elements in Little Alchemy 2?
- How do you make time in Little Alchemy 2?
- What is the “Myths and Monsters” content pack for Little Alchemy 2?
- Can I combine more than two elements at once in Little Alchemy 2?
- Where do I get Little Alchemy 2?
- How much does Little Alchemy 2 cost?
- Which iOS version does the Little Alchemy 2 app require?
- Which Android version does the Little Alchemy 2 app require?
- How do I play Little Alchemy 2?
- Is there Little Alchemy 3?
- Are there other games similar to Little Alchemy 2?
What is Little Alchemy 2?
Little Alchemy 2 is a casual game for smartphones, tablets, and desktop. The goal is to combine elements in order to create the new elements (e.g. combining water and animal results in fish ).
How many elements are in Little Alchemy 2?
At the time of writing, there are 720 elements to discover in Little Alchemy 2. The number of items is infrequently updated when an update is released.
How do I find all items in Little Alchemy 2?
Just watch the Full walkthrough of Little Alchemy 2 on YouTube to discover all items.
What is the hardest element to find in Little Alchemy 2?
The most difficult element to find is zoo . You need 29 combinations of 32 different items to create it.
What are the most valuable items in Little Alchemy 2?
The most valuable elements are those that can be combined with other elements most often. In Little Alchemy 2, the 5 most valuable items are:
- human (191 combinations)
- container (155 combinations)
- house (112 combinations)
- tool (94 combinations)
- bird (80 combinations)
How many final items are in Little Alchemy 2?
There are 235 final items in the game that can’t be mixed with any other elements.
What are the basic elements in Little Alchemy 2?
In Little Alchemy 2, there are four basic elements, which are available from the beginning: air , earth , fire , and water . During the game, the element time is added to the list of discovered items automatically.
How do you make time in Little Alchemy 2?
The element time can not be created by combining elements. It will be automatically added to your items list once you discovered 100 items, including the basic elements. Be sure to watch the Cheat Little Alchemy YouTube Channel guide to unlock time!
What is the “Myths and Monsters” content pack for Little Alchemy 2?
The “Myths and Monsters” content pack is a collection of over 100 items for the iOS and Android versions of Little Alchemy 2. You can buy it within the game app.
Can I combine more than two elements at once in Little Alchemy 2?
No, in Little Alchemy 2, you can only combine two elements at once. You can also combine one element with itself; an example would be the combination of air with air to create pressure.
Where do I get Little Alchemy 2?
You can download the app from the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store or you can play it online in the Google Chrome browser.
How much does Little Alchemy 2 cost?
The apps for iOS and Android are both free.
Which iOS version does the Little Alchemy 2 app require?
The app requires iOS 9.0 or later. It is compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.
Which Android version does the Little Alchemy 2 app require?
The app requires Android 5.0 or later.
How do I play Little Alchemy 2?
You start with the four basic elements air , earth , fire , and water . In the course of the game, the element time is added to the discovered items automatically. Once you combine two elements, new elements are created that can be combined with the ones, you discovered earlier.
Is there Little Alchemy 3?
At the time of writing (November 2019), there are only Little Alchemy 1 and Little Alchemy 2. We don’t know yet, if there will ever be a version 3 of Little Alchemy. Besides, Little Alchemy 2 is constantly evolving, but still lacks translations for other languages than English.
Are there other games similar to Little Alchemy 2?
The predecessor to Little Alchemy 2 is Little Alchemy 1. Similar games are Doodle Alchemy, Doodle Alchemy Animals, Alchemy Classic, Alchemy 1000, Zed’s Alchemy, and many more.
List of All Combinations for All Items
Cheat Little Alchemy YouTube Channel