Little Alchemy 2 Cheats

How to make science in Little Alchemy 2?

Little Alchemy 2 Cheats combinations Hints Guide Walkthrough

Little Alchemy 2 Cheats combinations Hints Guide Walkthrough

On this page you can see How to make science in Little Alchemy 2? with Guide, Hints, Cheats, Combinations and Walkthrough.

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In addition on this page you can Look How to make science in Little Alchemy 2? Hints, Cheats and Guide

All Little Alchemy 2 Combinations, Guide, Hints, Cheats and Walkthrough

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How to make science in Little Alchemy 2?

What can you make with science in Little Alchemy 2?

Combine with Create
air gas
animal domestication
corpse organic matter
dinosaur paleontologist
earth solid
farmer domestication
fire energy + heat
fossil paleontologist
geyser pressure
heat energy
lava magma
life organic matter
light bulb idea
mold penicillin
ocean current
philosophy idea
river motion
ruins archeologist
science idea
sea current
star plasma
storm electricity
stream motion
sun plasma
tornado motion
volcano magma
water liquid
wind motion

Walkthrough for science in Little Alchemy 2

  1. earth + earth = land
  2. water + water = puddle
  3. earth + water = mud
  4. fire + fire = energy
  5. earth + fire = lava
  6. earth + land = continent
  7. puddle + water = pond
  8. air + lava = stone
  9. continent + continent = planet
  10. pond + water = lake
  11. planet + planet = solar system
  12. mud + stone = clay
  13. lake + water = sea
  14. solar system + solar system = galaxy
  15. earth + sea = primordial soup
  16. galaxy + galaxy = galaxy cluster
  17. energy + primordial soup = life
  18. galaxy cluster + galaxy cluster = universe
  19. clay + life = human
  20. human + universe = science

Little Alchemy 2 Cheats

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