How to make Jack-o’-lantern in Little Alchemy
On this page you can see how to make Jack-o’-lantern in Little Alchemy with guide, cheats and combinations. Also you can learn what to do with Little Alchemy Jack-o’-lantern element on Android, iPhone, iPad, Windows Phone, Windows 10 Mobile, Google Chrome or any web-browser and where Jack-o’-lantern uses. In addition on this page you can look Little Alchemy Jack-o’-lantern guide and cheats.
All Little Alchemy guide and cheats, combinations and combos lists.
Video Walkthrough: How to make JACK-O’-LANTERN in Little Alchemy
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How to make Jack-o’-lantern in Little Alchemy cheats and guide
What to do with Jack-o’-lantern in Little Alchemy cheats and guide
Jack-o’-lantern on this moment is a final element.
Walkthrough Guide for jack-o’-lantern in Little Alchemy
- earth + fire = lava
- earth + water = mud
- fire + water = steam
- air + fire = energy
- air + water = rain
- air + lava = stone
- earth + rain = plant
- air + steam = cloud
- air + cloud = sky
- air + stone = sand
- fire + sand = glass
- mud + plant = swamp
- fire + sky = Sun
- energy + swamp = life
- earth + life = human
- glass + sand = time
- human + plant = farmer
- plant + time = tree
- earth + farmer = field
- Sun + tree = fruit
- field + fruit = vegetable
- fire + vegetable = pumpkin
- fire + pumpkin = jack-o’-lantern
Little Alchemy FULL WALKTHROUGH All 580 Elements | Komplett Lösung
Tags: alchemyJackolantern